Hello lovelies 💗😊,

Firstly, let me appreciate every single person that takes time out to read what I write down here🙌🏾.. you all rock and I really appreciate you with the whole of my heart. Thanks for all the mails and comments too. I read each one .

To the main matter, what is love ❤️? I am one of those that believe that what people process as love has many other synonyms like “ assurance, security, bank, lover, baby daddy, baby mama and then lust”.🙉.  The thing is, one of the most abused and overused expressions is “ I love you” 😕. People say this in the spur of the moment and next thing  is, they are no longer together. Please, how can that be possible ? Can one love and hate at the same time? If they do, is that true love, is that even love? 🤭.  There is a lot of confusion everywhere, I find it puzzling that a couple who decided to get married, took the sacred vows, eventually end up breaking up , they use foul words at each other and  go as far as trying to tarnish each other’s image or personality. Can love really hurt, will it ever seek to destroy or frustrate. Is that what love is? 😮

Guess what? I am told that when u have true love for your Neighnour , you will not seek to hurt same, am told that love is patient and kind, it does not backbite or slander, it’s not arrogant or rude, it’s not self centered🤗. Why then do friends betray each other all the time, why do close colleagues plot to bring themselves down unnecessarily, why do we have so much hate strolling around everywhere looking for willing partners?😲

I cannot give love a definition o🙃, that’s the absolute truth, my yardstick for measurement is really high. If you say you love me, it must like the kind of love Christ showed. Many of us can’t exhibit such because we are naturally self centered and quite selfish😊 but believe me, anything outside that is not love  💕. We must get to the point where no matter what, we are our brothers keeper, we do more things for people rather than for ourselves. We must get to the point where we can protect our colleagues at work and fight for what is the truth. We must make all effort to make peace and not war at all times. For couples, no matter the hurdle, please strive to look for that point where you guys missed out on love and connect back to the times you used or love each other so much. Rid your hearts of all negative thoughts and hateful considerations🤷🏽‍♀️... give selflessly, treasure your heart and guard it so it’s not broken and thrown away like it’s worthless!

Furthermore, please be very wary of third parties and people that make you hateful and hard. Ask God to help you love as much as you are allowed to. Let the concerns of people be ur burden, if you are able to help anyone , please don’t hesitate, don’t engage in malicious chats that will destroy their pride😓.

Each time we spread what I have tagged as love, the world becomes better. Look here, you may not realise it but it’s a fact that you are actually someone’s prayer point.. so, let’s keep spreading joy, love , laughter and goodness, surely with those, our lives will be much better.

Do you agree with my assertions and thoughts? 😊or you have a contrary opinion? Please send me a mail let me Learn from you and probably share with everyone.

For couples, please make use of the rainy days to make up, share love 💕 and not war
For friends, forgive and move on, recall the good times you both shared
For families, just keep doing the good that you know to do, very soon, your own side will win.

Gotta go now guys🙌🏾💗💗💗
Thanks so so much


  1. The reason why I feel there's so much hate or will I say not enough love it's because people are selfish and self centered now. they have to look at what's their own gain before doing anything.

    1. That’s my point too🙌🏾
      How can you say you love someone & the next minute, you are slapping the person or just saying things that are hurtful. Children no longer care about their parents. It’s like the era of love has been wiped out


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